Tuesday, June 17, 2008

today was my seventeen birthday.
yea , ferst of all thanks for the wishes people.
hehs , i had a qreat day just now.
with ziela , danny nqn wan cuminq to norhikmahs stall and creatinq chaos.
but i love it.
they throw donuts at my face. ( credit to zie )
pushed me into the fountain ( thanks danny )
and dear deeana smudge my face with chocolate ice cream all over my face.
end up qoinq to the stall with the sememek face.
decided to chanqe clothes. im so qlad that i brinq extra shirt in case of emerqency.
hehs. omel sprayed water aqain with the water host.
mcm firefiqhter plak tu budak ! =)
im so in loved with nor hikmah family.
cik idris qave me 2o dollar , mama did the same too.
mak qave me a surprise by buyinq me a cake and had small celebration at the stall.
ayah wished me early in the morninq.
abq ajan msq me and wished me.
he surely had a qood lanquaqe command on enqlish.
im so amazed by the way he msq.
haaa. simple azzy konon ! =)
now very tired. chattinq with izzudin , ziela and waitinq fer yan msq.
yan told me that theres marchinq practice for him.
i bet abq ayie was told to do that too.
hehs. been one week since abq ayie was inside the camp.
hopefully he is doinq fine inside.
ill keep on prayinq then.
happy birthday to me ! =)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

another tirinq day had passed.
so quick.
as usual , had a lot of fun at the stall with all of them.
but didnt knw what happen , i turn to moody all of a sudden.
jyeah. now im chattinq with aicaca or whatever larh ! haaa. susa btol ah adek2 nie.
just now i heard some news about abq ayie. AT LAST. hehs.
okay , ferst of all , sorry if i kept talkinq about abq ayie in every post of mine but this is
because i do spent some quality time with him durinq this few mths thus he do play some
important role in my life. everyone in norhikmah's family is loved by me alryte. =))
especially he did become a qood brother in advicinq stuff etc.
in the morninq heard cik idris said that abq ayie was not cuminq as he still feel letharqic
maybe due to the traininq probably. abq ajan talk to us sayinq that abq ayie was somehow affected when
he havetha eat alone at there. maybe , he hasnt make fwens yet.
yea , i feel a sudden sadness. ksian abq ayie , dalarh perot die lau mkn lmbt slalu masok anqin.
adoii ! i hope cepat larh abq aku yq satu tu dpat kwn so ble jqak die berteman. tklarh lonely sqt.
must be a complete boredom for him kn ? haiyaaa.
okay i knw , i may sound like very the aunty2 but i cnt stop this feelinq. im t0o worried about everythinq.
i wished that there is some vacancy as a cleaner ke ape kt camp die.
so i can werk there and at the very least i can see him.
then i can see hows he doinq. whether hes fine or not.
but i simply cant , i just can sit down here doinq ntq.
haaa. i hope my prayers would do some effect on him.
whatever it is , takecare abq !

Friday, June 13, 2008

yesterday was damn tirinq.
didnt even have the time to bloq.
qo home late as my mum have to accomplished some of her job at norhikmah's stall before she headed home.
thus , i end up qo home late and unable to bloq.
today was my father's birthday.
happy birthday to you ayah ! hehs. buy him a shirt at central. hope he do like it.
today was the friday the thirteen.
abq ajan keep sayinq it is an auspicious date.
but too bad , today most of us were moody.
i knw abq ajan was tryinq damn hard to menceriakan suasana.
so thoughtful. heees.
i heard that abq ayie will be cuminq back today.
was so the happy. but didnt knw whether its true not. heees.
im still wonderinq , hows he doinq there.
can he adapt to the places over there ? does he qot friends there ? jyeah , i may sound so the makcik2 , but i cant stop thinkinq.
ill continue to pray for him then tonight.
kn hari friday lau berdoa lebih afdhal right ? heees.
now chanttinq with ziela and danny.
the craziest couple. =)
eh danny ! kwanq asam ah kau. btol ah tu bdak.
zie , i hope u will be fine and no more duqaan aqain okay fer you ?
4 more days to my birthday but i didnt like it for some reason.
ill end it here. cepat benar nyer da empat hari abq ayie msk ns. =)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

so today was still the same. wake up extra early today. hehs.
reached norhikmahs stall and then follow my aunty to Singapore National Eye Centre.
she went there to check her eye which is not on good condition i thinkk.
whatever it is , i hope she would be fine and no operation will be done on her. insyaallah.
after that , went to chinatown to buy some goods.
went back to the stall because its lunchtime and its my job to help kak wei's with her duty.
it was super fun. hehs. with irah around.
at 2.30 , i decided to eat nasi qorenq kampunq which is cooked by abq ajan.
it was nice but sumhow i do miss abq ayie's one.
im okay with the absence of abq ayie already. it just that , sometimes i do miss his presence at the kitchen.
no on is dancinq when im washinq the dishes. hehs. but its okay. ill qet to meet him aqain i hope.
today , nothinq much happen. it went off well like the other day.
i wonder how abq ayie miqht be doinq inside.
does his leq still in pain ? can he sleep well inside ? can he wake up early in the morninq ?
how does he look with the botak hairstyle on it ? yea shyt. i've qot lotsa question in my mind.
mel must be wonderinq about her beloved abq tenqek tu confirm.
i understand how abq ayie meant to her because i felt that way too.
but life havetha move on , and i believe he would be fine at jalan bahar with many people thinkinq and wishinq him all the best always.
as what i promised , yesterday i prayed for him and all my beloved people and i will keep on prayinq yea ?
so ill end it here. 2 days since abq aiye qo ns. =))

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

it was super tirinq and hot today. wth.
today as per usual , i wake up early in the morninq.
but luckily mak was very thoughful , she wake me up a lil bit later at 6.3o.
hees. im so happy to be able to sleep a lil bit longer.
but she bang the door so the loud in order to make me wake up.
reached norhikmah's stall doinq ntq because no customer.
until 8 plus i think , abq ayie msq mel.
say stuff like takecare and study hard because he qoinq to ns today at 10am to be specific.
it was sucha saddeninq thinq. the worst.
mak decided to asked we to call him.
abq ayie just woke up je kite da call.
menqqanqqu btol ye ? hees. mak face turn red tryinq to control tears. mel as usual was so emotional.
we each take turn to talk to him.
it was my super turn next. lotsa thinq to say but end up say the same thinq aqain and aqain.
hawa was so the useless eh ? haiyaaa.
when i received the siqnal that im qoinq to cry , i quickly pass the phone kt mel.
im sucha crybaby , i knw. but im born to be so the sensitive.
msq him all that after hunq up the phone.
i cant bear to msq in this kinda situation so i decided to end the msq.
it was sucha hard thinq.
mak cook asam pedas ikan pari but her beloved son wasnt there.
hope that abq ayie would be fine whenever he is now.
ill be prayinq then. takecare abq. =)

Monday, June 9, 2008

today was such a qreat day to beqin with.
wake up as early as 5.45. check my hp fer any call or msq.
but sadly there wasnt any.
sleep fer few minutes and then off to bath.
its was always sucha pleasure to wake up and think bout the fun im qonna have at norhikmah's stall. it was sucha weird thinq , seeinq the clock ticks to 9am but theres no abq ayie.
usually , he wud cum at 9am. and it brighten up my day to see him came with a biq smile on it.
but just now , he wasnt there at all.
theres no one dancinq behind the kitchen , theres no one qoinq to wear the banquet apron anymore , no one 'operatinq' the chicken , no one tryinq to imitate chris brown , no one sittinq beside me with his psp , no one sinqinq every sonq on the radio , no one qoinq to cook the nasi qorenq kampunq same as him and to put it simple , abq ayie just couldnt be replace by anyone. i knw he havetha serve ns but nie kn lumrah hidop , bile kite da used to dqn orq tu and if suddenly havetha be apart , mestilarh sedih kn. my mom had the sad face all the way till she reached our van. i bet she will miss her anak tu badly. i was so the happy that the baju is muat. that thinq cause me to stress every sec of my life till the present was qiven.
diana , i bet u knw that right ? hees
now listeninq to cinta dlm hati abq ayie version.
cute larh ye suare nyer. =)
i hope his leq would recover soon.
whenever u are , i promise ure will always be in my prayers.
abq ayie , qeqerl rindu larh abq nanti.