Monday, November 14, 2011


Woohoooooo. Like thousands of years not here only! heehee.
Alright testing testing. Assalamualaikum all.
I've got many updates I shall tell. Ups and downs. Happy and sad. Anger and disappointment.
Well, thats basically life aint it true?
Okay, where should i start? I think the major thing that has happened in my life..
I'm attached, Alhamdulilah, been 9 months. Not that long but still a reason for me to smile each time day in and day out. The main source of my happiness. Needless to say, I'm so happy. (:
Urm, to be honest, I'm not a good girlfriend YET, so been trying to improve on it. Eventually this is my first relationship anyway. heehee.
So, holiday starts, children ended their semester. The saddes part is for sure those K2s graduating to primary one. I hope for nothing but the best for them. (:
All right then, end it here for today. night lovelies. <3

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